Uber Breaches (2014 & 2016)
In 2014 and again in 2016, Uber suffered a data breach where attackers gained access an unencrypted file containing sensitive user information. In both instances, the attackers used keys found in Uber’s GitHub repositories. In 2014, the attacker found an access key in a public repository. In 2016, the attackers used stolen GitHub credentials to access an AWS key in an engineer’s private repo.
Uber reported the 2014 incident to the Federal Trade Commission, which prompted an investigation into its security practices of Uber. As part of the 2016 incident, Uber’s Chief Information Security Officer paid the attackers $100,000, supposedly as a bug bounty, to delete and not disclose the data. This incident is notable because the CISO, Joey Sullivan, was later convicted for not promptly notifying the Federal Authorities when the breach occurred. Uber was fined $148 million for concealing the breach.